Visit to Nokia Skypark in Budapest

FinChamber organized a company visit to Nokia on Wednesday, 13th October 2021. Chairman Ilana Varga welcomed the members and thanked Country Manager Bela Zagyva for the opportunity to visit Nokia again. Our last Nokia visit took place in the autumn 2019 so it was time to get an update on the latest news and developments of the biggest Finnish company in Hungary.
Bela Zagyva informed us that Nokia won the 5G World Award in 2021 which is given to the breakthrough technology player on the market for the most innovative machine learning software product.
We were also interested in learning how a company with over 2000 employees handled the challenges that COVID-19 had brought. Bela together with his colleagues told us how Nokia reacted very quickly to the worsening situation caused by the COVID-19 in March 2019. Employees got used to the home-office even though face-to-face contacts and atmosphere in the office was greatly missed.
Country HR Head Linda Laszlo told us about the well-known Nokia culture which supports diversity and inclusion.
There were lots of questions from the members and a vivid discussion together. FinChamber will be happy to visit Nokia again next fall to hear about the newest achievements.

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