Visit to Nokia on February 21, 2024

On 21st February 2024 FinChamber’s members got an update on Nokia’s latest news and achievements.

We learnt from Country Manager Bela Zagyva that Louis E. Brus, a former Bell Labs researcher, was awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for “the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots.” (Brus shared the prize with Alexei Ekimov and Moungi Bawendi). Bell Labs – American industrial research and scientific development company owned by Nokia – has numerous nobel price winners over the decades and over 26 000 patents.

Nokia organized again lots of events last year in order to make the young generation more aware of the industry and the company. Researcher’s Night took place in September and there was a special event for the girls as well – Girls Day Festival. The trainee program between Nokia and the universities is going strong.

Members raised lots of questions and discussion was vivid as usual.

Thank you Bela and the team mates for your hospitality and an interesting evening!